These simple head massage techniques that we recommend are easy to follow and suitable for a self-massage. These head massage techniques are helpful for relieving migraine headaches or stress and tension headaches.
Here is our simple step by step guide to a head self-massage that will put you in a deep state of relaxation.
Step 1: The Set Up
- Find a quiet place and a comfortable seat to sit on.
- Light some candles and play soft music to get into a relaxed state
- Warm some Vedic Tiger’s Brahmi Head Massage Oil or The Supreme Soothing Vegan Body Massage Oil in a bowl
Step 2: Shoulder Massage
- Take some oil and rub into the palm of your hands
- Place hands on either side of the shoulders from the front
- Take several deep breaths
- Squeeze neck and work down to the shoulders
- Repeat 3 times with increasing pressure
Step 3: Neck Massage
- Take some oil and rub into the palm of your hands
- Make small circles with your fingers from the base of the neck to the base of the hairline. Repeat 2 more times
- Glide up hand from base of neck to the hairline. Apply pressure on hairline for some time. Repeat 5 times
- Place one hand on the forehead and the other on the base of the spine. Tilt head forward and backward. Repeat 3 times
Step 4: Scalp Massage
- Loosen hair if you have long hair
- Take some oil and rub into the palm of your hands
- Put pressure with your palms on the scalp with fingers facing upwards. Move them up in circular motion. Repeat 4-5 times to cover entire scalp
- Rub scalp vigorously back and forth with palms and then with fingertips for about a minute
Step 5: Forehead Massage
- Take some oil and rub into the palm of your hands
- Stroke fingers from the center of the forehead to the side of the temples
- Make small circles on temples and then back to the forehead
- Repeat 3 times
Step 7: The ending
- You are now getting into a deeply relaxed state. Stroke from the top of the forehead down the back of the head to gently finish the massage